Anna graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1996. She Joined Romanovsky & Associates in 1998 and earned her CA designation in 2003. She was welcomed as a partner to the firm in 2010.
Anna graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1996. She Joined Romanovsky & Associates in 1998 and earned her CA designation in 2003. She was welcomed as a partner to the firm in 2010.
Darcy graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1999. He joined Romanovsky & Associates in 2003 and earned his CA designation in 2006. He was welcomed as a partner to the firm in 2010.
Ernest graduated from the University of Lethbridge with a Bachelor of Management degree in 2007. He then joined Romanovsky and Associates and earned his CA designation in 2013. Ernest was promoted to manager in January 2018. He was welcomed as a partner to the firm in January of 2022.
Rick graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 2004. He joined Romanovsky & Associates in 2005 and earned his CA designation in 2008 and was promoted to manager in January 2011. He was welcomed as a partner to the firm 2015.
Can graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1998. He joined Romanovsky & Associates in December 1999 and earned his CMA designation through CMA Alberta in 2001. He was promoted to manager in 2014.
Heidi Graduated from Nait with a Management Diploma in 1990 and then went on to the University of Alberta to complete her Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1993. She joined Romanovsky and Associates as office manager in 2002.
Jessica graduated from MacEwan University with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 2016. She then joined Romanovsky and Associates to pursue her designation which she earned in 2019. She was then promoted to manager in 2020.
Kate graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Commerce degree with distinction in 2020. During her degree, Kate completed two cooperative student placements at Romanovsky and Associates, one in 2018 and then again in 2019. After graduating, she then re-joined Romanovsky and Associates to pursue her CPA designation, which she received in 2023. She was promoted to manager in 2025.
Alan Jacobson was born in Cape Town, South Africa and qualified as a South African Chartered Accountant in 1973. He obtained his Masters Degree in Business Administration at the University of Cape Town in 1985.
He then worked for 11 years in the health care industry as chief Financial Officer for a group of private hospitals in South Africa. Thereafter he spent five years with the Cape Town office of Arthur Andersen prior to emigrating to Canada in March 2002.
Selwyn (Ram) Romanovsky, FCA is one of the founders of Romanovsky & Associates LLP, having been with the firm for a period of in excess of forty (40) years. During this time he was instrumental in helping the firm grow from a staff complement of four employees to greater than sixty (60) accountants and administrative staff. Ram has built up a loyal following amongst the clients, dealing with their business matters, tax affairs and financing objectives.
He has been an active member of the Alberta Institute of Chartered Accountants, serving on a volunteer basis as a member of the Complaints Investigation Committee (CIC), in addition to serving as an investigator, looking at complaints lodged by the public against the members of the institute. Ram has actively served the community he lives in by serving in many volunteer positions, both in the leadership and a fund-raising position. In this regard, he has served as President and Chairman of many of these bodies. In 2010, in the 100th year of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta (ICAA), Ram was honored for his contribution to the community and the profession, with the profession’s highest recognition, the ‘Fellow of Chartered Accountant’ designation.
It is said we spend more time with our work associates then with our family at home. In this regard, our accounting firm had the joy of having Trevor’s mentorship, insight and friendship for greater than sixteen years and in that regard, we are truly blessed. Trevor was truly instrumental and part of making our firm one of the preeminent accounting firms in Edmonton and in fact perhaps in Alberta.
Trevor and the firm had a very special and warm relationship. He was family, and Trevor always stated that he truly believed this and that he cherished this relationship. As in any relationship to be everlasting, like he believed in me and made an effort to help me develop professionally, which I greatly appreciated.”
“The advice Trevor has given me will not be forgotten.”
“If he thought you deserved someone in your corner, he would go to bat for you.”
“If you took the time to get to know him he was a fun-loving, insightful deep guy.”